Friday 22 October 2010



I think the font of the title worked because it’s sort of old, fancy calligraphy, the sort of writing that they would use in olden times. Obviously, olden times are studied a lot in English, in Language when you’re studying the origins of words and in Literature when you are studying old texts. Plus it’s quite a characteristic font, which means that it’ll stand out and people will remember the magazine because of it. I like that I changed the font for the subtitles because it makes it look more professional with a bold title and then simple headlines. I quite liked the picture I took because it shows the student is smiling because they are enjoying their book as well as showing the name of the book well. The fact that the student is smiling and enjoying their book gives the impression that English is fun. You can’t see the background all that well, which is a shame because I spent a while trying to find the best place to have the photo set, but it is by a bookshelf in a library and because the student is looking happy, this indicates that libraries are fun. I like the name of my magazine (English at Wyke) because it gets straight to the point with it and tells us exactly what the magazine is about.
The target audience is students at Wyke studying English. I have decided that my magazine will be about both types of English, Language and Literature, so as to broaden the target audience. Because the girl is reading a heavy English book, the image on the front tells us that the magazine is aimed at those who like to read intellectual things. She’s dressed smartly so as to tell us that she is serious about her education and wants to succeed in all endeavours. Of course, it’s not just aimed at those studying English at Wyke, it could be for anybody who is interested in English. Some articles, however, may not to apply to people who do not study English or do not study it at Wyke. The subtitle ‘Last bookings for Haworth trip’ is a good example of how that may not apply to people who are not studying English at Wyke. Plus, if you don’t know who David Green and Belinda Hakes are, the main story will also be irrelevant to them.
I created my magazine cover using Adobe Photoshop, first using Microsoft PowerPoint to plan it out. I encountered no problems other than picking a decent photo. I’d taken a lot of photos and most of them were good enough to use on my magazine, but I couldn’t pick. I eventually decided on the photo I used because you could see the name of the book better in that one than any of the others. My model’s smile was also more genuine in that picture than the other ones.
I think I could improve my magazine cover by taking a picture where the background was clearer so you could see that she was sat in a library. I could come up with a better tagline and more interesting stories. Maybe it would be better if I had more than one student in the picture too so that they looked like they were sharing the fun.

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