Thursday 16 December 2010

LIIAR Analysis of Billboard magazine cover

Language - The people on the front, the Glee cast and the artists whose songs they have done covers of, are looking straight at the camera, which makes the viewer feel like they're looking right at them. This makes them feel involved and is supported by the sheer amount of eyes looking back at them. The long shot makes the scene seem quite impersonal, which isn't really a good thing . The coverline 'The Power of Glee' is actually a bit of a play on the fact that the Glee Cast made an album of Madonna songs called the 'The Power of Madonna'. The white that 'The Power of' is in matches well with the white of the masthead, which gives it a sense of unity. The fact that the word 'Glee' is in capital letters, boldened and in bright green makes it stand out really well against the rest of the cover. The little subheading underneath the main headline says 'from smash hits to a sold-out tour, how a TV musical about high school geeks became a singular success', which is a good summary of the story and the word 'singular' is really effective because it has the word sing in it, what the Glee Cast do. Most of the people are smiling on this picture, which makes them all seem very cheerful and friendly and you want to read more about people who are nice. The pictures have all been superimposed together due to the fact that all the people on it are quite popular people and it would be very hard to get all those people available for a cover shoot on the same day. Plus some of the pictures, like the one of Madonna, are from a long time ago and literally couldn't be reshot. The pictures look like they've taken a long time to find because they're all very meaningful images. Like the one of Cory Monteith, it's important that they capture his character exactly right so they've scoured and found a picture of him holding his football helmet to show that he's a football player.
Institution - The institution is Billboard magazine, which in turn is owned by the institution of Prometheus Global Media. Prometheus is an American publisher, as is Billboard magazine, and also publishes The Hollywood Reporter, Back Stage and Film Journal International, which are all magazines that have something to do with show business. Due to this, I assume that Billboard is also quite a bit to do with show business. If it isn't then it doesn't really fit in with the theme of the brand. However, I do think that this magazine is to do with that because the Glee Cast is on the cover and she is a huge star internationally. Due to the fact that the magazines published by Prometheus are all to do with one main aspect, we can see that they are not very diverse and maybe do not cater for all tastes.
Ideology - The fact that there's a person in a wheelchair on the cover really emphasizes the fact that the magazine is very much a believer in everybody is equal and nobody should be treat differently just because they are in wheelchair. There's also an Asian on the cover, which rids of any doubt that the magazine has any problem with race issues.
Audience - Due to the fact that Prometheus (the institution that owns Billboard) sells lots of show business related magazines, I assume that this magazine is also to do with show business. If it is then the audience of the magazine will be people who are interested in that kind of thing just as a spectator or who are interested in pursuing a career in show business.
Representation - The magazine using the Glee Cast as their cover models is very good publicity due to the fact that the whole idea of Glee is a group of people who are outcasts, but can be something amazing. It gives out a good message to people and tells their readers that they support people being themselves. This gives them good publicity.

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