Wednesday 10 November 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of the Brief

Language -Camera angles/positioning/distance
- Conventions/codes
- Layout - house-style (the look of the music magazine needs to be consistent)
- Splash (the cover once finished)

Institution - Q (Bauer)
- Hammer (Future)
- Mix Mag (Development Hell Ltd)
- DJ (Chris Kempston (published independently))

Ideology - All have own values/messages/morals
- Presenting stars in aspirational terms
Audience - Target audience

- Gender/age/social classifications
A - Upper class
B - Middle class
C1 - Lower middle class
C2 - Skilled working class
D - Working class
E - Under class, long-term unemployed, students

Representation - Front cover represents magazine and audience
- Re-presenting images/values
- Aspirational
- Presenting aspects of society and our aspirations back to us
- Synergy (when one piece of media helps another, mutually supporting each other, the singer using the magazine to promote tour and album while the company uses the singer to promote their magazine)

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